Posts by BMonterosso

Accelerate Healing: Homeopathy for Broken Bones and Fractures

Posted by on Apr 7, 2024 in articles | 0 comments

Are you or a loved one dealing with the pain and inconvenience of a broken bone or fracture? Homeopathy offers a gentle yet effective approach to support healing, reduce pain, and promote overall well-being during recovery. In this post, we’ll explore how homeopathy can be a valuable addition to your healing journey, offering natural remedies that complement conventional treatments for faster recovery and improved outcomes. Understanding the Healing Process: When a bone breaks or fractures, the body initiates a complex healing process. Homeopathic remedies can support each phase, from reducing inflammation and pain to stimulating bone regeneration. Remedies like Arnica montana are known for addressing trauma and swelling, while Symphytum officinale supports bone knitting, and Ruta graveolens is beneficial for bone bruises. Personalized Treatment Plans: Homeopathy emphasizes individualized care, where remedies are selected based on the unique symptoms and constitution of the patient. This personalized approach ensures targeted support for the specific nature and location of the fracture. Integrative Approach: Homeopathy can be seamlessly integrated with conventional treatments like immobilization or surgery. This integrative approach maximizes healing potential and supports overall well-being. Patient Success Stories: Many individuals have experienced significant improvements in their bone healing journey with homeopathic support. Their stories highlight the effectiveness and safety of homeopathy in promoting faster recovery and reducing discomfort. Consultation Process: During a homeopathic consultation for bone injuries, a thorough case-taking process is followed to understand the individual’s symptoms and needs. Follow-up appointments allow for adjustments to the treatment plan, ensuring optimal progress. Empowering Self-Care: In addition to homeopathic treatment, self-care practices such as nutrition for bone health, gentle exercises, and lifestyle adjustments play a crucial role in supporting healing and overall well-being. Homeopathy offers a natural and holistic approach to healing broken bones and fractures. If you’re looking to accelerate your healing journey and experience the benefits of personalized care, schedule a consultation today. I’m here to support you every step of the...

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Homeopathy for the Holidays!

Posted by on Nov 19, 2022 in articles | 0 comments

Let’s get some basic remedies for having a Happy Holiday Season!   “I overate and/or drank too much” Nux Vomica 30C “I crave sugar” Saccharum Off. 6X “I am missing ( someone who passed away).” Ignatia 30C “I can’t afford this.” Arsencum Alb. 30C “I am barely surviving this.” Lachesis 30C “I feel a sudden cold/illness coming on after being out in the cold.” Aconite 30C “I have the flu.” Oscillococcinum “I am exhausted from not getting enough sleep caring for everyone.” Cocculus 30C “I have no boundaries.” Phosphorus 30C “I can’t sleep.” Coffea 30C “I bend over in abdominal pain, I have cramps.” Colocynthis 30C “I can’t say no. I am angry in silence.” Staphysagria 30C “I lack confidence and am frozen with anxiety.” Gelsemium 30C “I lack confidence, have gastro complaints, and crave sugar.” Lycopodium 30C “I am exhausted, apathetic, and want to go home to be alone.” Phosphoric Acid 30C “I am bloated, belching, and difficulty breathing.” Carbo Veg. 30C “I am weepy, and I crave sympathy.” Pulsatilla 30C “I am cross, irritable, and demand to be carried or rocked.” Chamomilla 30C...

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Posted by on Sep 13, 2022 in articles | 0 comments

It is that time of year when kids start to get coughs, here are some wonderful homeopathic remedies to help with coughs!   Aconite 30C Use at the first signs of cough, symptoms come on very quickly, fearful, restless, craving cold water. Belladonna 30C Red hot face, also comes on quickly, throat red, barking cough. Hepar Sulph 30C Chilly, loose, rattling cough. Cough worse from cold. Worse from drafts, and better from warmth. Irritable. Lachesis 30C Pain is worse from drinking, or empty swallowing. Worse after sleep (wakes up angry), talkative. Spongia 30C Dry, barking cough, tickling cough, better from warm drinks, worse in a hot room or laying down. Ant. Tart. 30C Thick rattling mucus in the chest, cannot cough up mucus, Face cold, blue or pale, cold sweat, worse from warmth, better sitting up. Phosphorus 30C Hoarse, tight chest, worse laying down on the left side, better with company, craving of cold...

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Address Tick Bites

Posted by on Sep 3, 2022 in articles | 0 comments

Addressing tick bites. There are a few really good protocols out there post tick bite to avoid Lyme disease but my personal recommendation is as follows: Ledum 200C daily for 7 days, one pellet dissolved in 8 oz of water and sip until finished. Aurum Arsenicum 200C on days 3 and day 7, one pellet dissolved in one tblsp of water and 2 drops from there. It is not harmful if needed to be repeated often for those who live or travel to areas full of ticks. Homeopathy is non toxic and safe for all...

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Homeopathy for Back to School Anxiety

Posted by on Aug 11, 2022 in articles | 0 comments

Solve your child’s back to school anxiety with homeopathy using a single dose of one of the following homeopathic remedies, choosing the one that fits best based on their presentation of anxiety. Number one remedy is Calc Phos 30C, there can be headaches or tummy aches, may create an excuse to stay home. Gelsemium 30C anticipatory anxiety, they feel cowardly and weak. Argentum Nitricum 30C anticipatory anxiety, differentiate from gelsemium as they likely will have either loose stools or gas. Lycopodium 30C anxiety that they will look foolish or incompetant in front of others. They will cover up the anxiety with a false confidence. Craving for sweets. Aconite 30C anxiety with actual panic attacks and a physical sensation in their heart. Arsenicum 30C anxiety with exhaustion. Best of luck to all returning to school and I wish everyone an easy transition from the lazy days of...

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